ROSS TEAKLE – Organisational coach

Ross has been involved in coaching for over 30 years. He is a member of the International Coaching Federation, an Accredited Advisor with Family Business Australia (FBA), an accredited trainer, a Fellow and former moderator of the Australian Life Writers Association and a moderator in Australia for a US-based Life Insurance Management Research Association. BCS recognise Ross’s ability, standing, experience, performance and contribution from day one of the BCS life.
For the last 20 years Ross has been a coach with Business Coaching Systems assisting businesses to become a living expression of their potential. Ross’s ability as a coach is borne out by his clients who will continue to use his services long after the initial contract has been fulfilled. Why? Because his clients experience real long lasting change and get the results!
Ross says, “Business is often viewed as a sterile entity that has a life of its own but the reality of business is that it is made up of people and it is people that give it heart and soul. You do not coach businesses you coach people. And I’ve been coaching people for over 30 years – whether is my role running a successful family business in rural NSW or during my career in sales and sales management and training – it’s all about getting the most out of the people around you”.
“You earn the title of business coach when your client trusts you with their deepest held ambitions, highest priority goals and you demonstrate the experience, commitment and processes to ensure they achieve them. The Thinking System methodology turns ambition into reality every time.”
According to Next – Trends for the Future by Matathia and Salzmann, the quest for team productivity and world-benchmarked efficiency levels is increasing management’s reliance on business coaches. But what makes a good business coach?
It’s an unregulated industry so how does a prospective client find the right person? The answer is simple… Results. Ross Teakle elaborates, “At the end of the day, it is all about results. Business Coaching Systems delivers those results because it provides a methodology for systematically segmenting down even the most ambitious goals and providing a manageable step-by-step roadmap for turning those goals into a reality. The follow-up and on-going review ensures that implementation is never a matter of chance only a matter of time.
Ross believes that what makes BCS unique is, “We ASK and our; client tells, not the other way around. BCS is a practical process of coaching based on thoughtful theory that is constantly revised from the learning gained through practical in-field application and experience so our clients gain value from the cumulative knowledge over a vast array of industry sectors and business challenges. Why re-invent the wheel? This approach makes the process of change faster and more cost effective.
Ross has the ability to communicate with people on all levels. For a facilitator to be successful in managing change in an organisation people have to trust that person and feel comfortable with them. Ross relates to people very well and is successful in gaining trust.
Dean Thomas, General Manager, Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL

Tel 02 9988 3590
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