10 Steps to Perfect Business Performance

The real obstacle to workgroup performance is not what you don’t know. It is the unfortunate gap between what you know….and what you use and apply.
Imagine a Perfect workgroup. We are not talking about the ones with Halo’s for headgear and mountains of gold for a bottom-line (though we have nothing against this either!). We are talking about a team of people whose performance is at or near potential. Perfect to us is a when a workgroup can truly say “with who we have, and what resources we have got, we could not deliver a better result”.
When we ask workgroups how they feel about their performance, task by task, they will tell us that 83% could improve, just by doing it the way they know they can and the way they know they should. We help them on the journey to 100%. Our Ten Step Thinking System helps the team set and meet benchmark performance for everything they do.
In a two-day off-site workshop your BCS facilitator will work with the group to identify; all the core functions they are responsible for, every task that in turn supports the function, the current performance level for each task, the performance to which they aspire, how to get there and in what order they should ‘fix’ their challenges. Our Activation Program then ensures each deliverable has a Deadline, Owner and Method.
The result is a more cohesive workgroup with members readily pooling expertise, jointly agreeing the action plans and taking individual ownership of their roles in implementing the plans. Regular follow up meetings are conducted to overcome any challenges that may arise over time. At the heart of the program is our own research that has identified the ten reasons a task is performed sub-optimally. Once you know the why (it is not working), you can easily construct the how (to make it work).

For more information or to book a program, please contact us.