8 Steps to Perfect Business Strategy

By developing a consistent, predictable and proven process with measurable outcomes, BCS has elevated the discipline of coaching and strategic facilitation to a science. This is best evidenced by our Strategic Planning module which has been applied globally to assist more than 500 enterprises with combined turnover of in excess of $30 billion.
It is important to know where you want to go before you can select the strategies and tactics that will get you there.
So how do executives capture all they know about their market, define clearly the impact of critical trends (many of which are outside their control) and combine this thinking in a way that allows them to make the right strategic choices? Simple, invite the key executives to commit to the 8 Steps to Perfect Business Strategy Workshop.
A comprehensive long-term and proven approach for executive teams, this BCS Strategic Planning program identifies where your business is now, where you want it to be in the future and how best to get there.
In a practical and interactive one or two-day workshop, BCS will facilitate your executive team to; reflect on the past (what needs to stay), consider the market landscape in which business must be done (a confluence of trends and pressures we cannot control), describe with three dimensional clarity the style of business they must build for the future (to be relevant, sustainable and profitable in that market), and finally, develop the tactics for the short and medium term that will prepare them for that future!
This process will unify, align and motivate your team on the future of your organisation. The result is a clear and specific living document in which your executive team has shared ownership in the strategic choices and their consequent implementation. Just as importantly, BCS facilitators will follow up with regular progress meetings with the teams to ensure the plans are being implemented.

For more information or to book a program, please contact us.