Perfect Month

If you’re looking to develop talented staff in your business, Perfect Month is the perfect program for you.
Over two days of interactive training, presented by John Vamos and Alanna Khodeir, we will help you transform your leadership abilities, giving you the skills and confidence to take your business to the next level.
This is not a traditional training course. Our sessions take place in a unique setting allowing you the thinking space to test some of the tips and techniques you will learn during the two day course. It’s a great opportunity to make professional connections and benefit from a support network outside of your day-to-day contacts.
The Perfect Month training program delivers fantastic results for its participants.
The program includes:
- The six business fundamentals – guiding principles for business success
- Evolution of Leadership – why all managers need to be a coach?
- What is Perfect Month? – what does the performance management model look like?
- Perfect Month in Action – how does it work and what does it look like?
- Thinking into Action – facilitated session/s with group participants
This two day training program will teach participants the key facts that must be known and understood in order to extract the maximum potential from their employees.
Modules covered include:
- What does Leadership mean today?
- What should be in a Leader’s Toolkit?
- What is missing from the toolkit in your organisation?
- What is a Performance Contract?
- How can a Performance Contract be developed simply and quickly?
- What should be in the Leaders Performance Contract?
- What is meant by ‘Perfect Month’?
- What should an organisations’ Perfect Month rhythm be?
The objective of the two day program is to go well beyond information transfer and take you deep into knowledge application.
At the conclusion of the training program you will leave with:
- A solid understanding of the natural barriers to productivity
- A workplace action plan to remove those barriers from your organisation
- A completed Leaders Toolkit audit
- A formula for constructing any tools that your toolkit lacks
- A template for Performance Contract development
- The ability to create compelling Performance Contracts
- Your own Performance Contract complete (suitable for use as a template within your organisation)
This course promises that each participant will understand the science and psychology of accountability, the components of a leaders toolkit, simple methodologies for constructing each component, and a rhythm for engagement. All this will ensure an organisations’ significant investment in human resources, achieves a worthwhile return on investment.
Our own survey of business leaders established (without qualification) that the biggest challenge they faced in realising their commercial ambitions was harnessing the potential of their people.
John Vamos, CEO, Business Coaching Systems

For more information or to book a program, please contact us.